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Works Ecliptic


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Now that we’re finally up & running, I am working on posting my way through a MASSIVE backlog of projects!

hobby zodiac

My Hobby Zodiac

We all occasionally get burnt out on a project and set it aside for a bit. We jump into the thing currently occupying our brain, the new hotness in the community, or a new release from a company. Sometimes we take a break from the hobby altogether, for any number of reasons.

My “hobby” consists of a WIDE variety of hobbies unto themselves — sure, miniature wargaming, painting and terrain building are all pretty related, but I also shift into Halloween props & home haunt design, a variety of woodworking projects, custom theming tools for wargame forces, and occasionally some toy building & customization. Since several of these other hobbies can depend greatly on the season or month of the year, my attention and efforts seem to follow a bit of an ecliptic, if you will, hurtling though the zodiac constellations of my hobbies, never to linger in one place for long.

DIVISIONS ecliptic

As my hobbies are quite varied (and I have the same hobby-squirrel brain that you do), I’ve grouped everything into categories… the various, departmental WORKS, if you will. Because let’s be honest — even my hobby spheres need to categorized, organized, listed, charted….

Check out the DIVISIONS page for a synopsis of each, with links to the various projects that Division encompasses. This is main hub of all my project pages.

Under Construction

While my hobbies stretch back several years, this website does not. I have been documenting builds for quite some time; keeping notes on my phone of all the lore I’ve been imagining, the Force Organization charts I’ve been working up, and taking photos of the various stages of most things I build, paint, or otherwise develop.

I am working now on getting all of that here.

It’s gonna take a while. As I get things together, I’ll publish a blog post and update the appropriate project page. Please SUBSCRIBE below and check back often. If you’re anxious to see something specific, drop me a comment here!