Shakedown cruise successful. Ordnance loaded. Shields online. Fighter screen deployed.

Helmsman — All ahead full.

Into the Black.

New Republic 76th Auxiliary/Supply Group, Element “0”.

NULL Fleet.

On paper — a group of transports and supply ships, pulled from various theaters of combat and reassigned to routine duties, keeping the government running one menial delivery at a time.

In reality — warships, fleet carriers and starfighter squadrons, the absolute best the New Republic has to offer, discreetly being gathered into a single, star-studded Task Force, intent on making a final push against the remnants of the Empire.


Sector 9.2, 307th Suppression Force.

There are reports of suspicious rebel activity in the sector. Follow the 307th as it ramps up production, stuffing every hangar with TIEs, and takes the fight to the pitiful band of Rebels that dare challenge the might of the Galactic Empire.

The Imperial Fleet page is COMING SOON.

Colonial Forces respond to multiple threats, defending member worlds, escorting allied convoys through contested space, and taking the fight to all who would challenge humanity’s right… to exist.

Meanwhile, alien invaders dig deeper into their new-found holdings and lay the next trap.

Visit the DropFleet Commander page. [COMING SOON]