The tents are pitched, the latrines are dug, and the horses are stabled. Scouts are patrolling the hills, the sappers are combing the nearby ruins for booby traps, and the wizard is examining that strange rock to the east. Get yourself a quick bowl of stew, son, then pick up that maul.
Them breastworks ain’t gonna build themselves.
The ruined city of Eclyps. Or — the Eclipse District of the frozen city of Felstad. Or — the Eclipticanum Sector of the damned city of Mordheim.
Aahhh, modular terrain. An absolute necessity for those of us with limited budgets and storage space, who play several different games, and who occasionally take pieces to our local game store. Full-on dioramas absolutely rule for pure aesthetics, but I do have a soft spot for a semi-quick paint job on a cool mdf kit.
Add some city scatter terrain and we’re rollin’.
Ruined City page COMING SOON.
A menacing cemetery crouches amidst jagged cliffs and copses of trees, thick with underbrush. An unnatural mist snakes across the ground, coiling up around the warband’s tents and supplies, threatening to snuff out their meager campfire.
Check out the Fantasy Terrain page for general landscape features, specialty pieces, and miscellaneous scatter terrain. COMING SOON.
Team Two will skirt the the western barracks and secure the hangar facilities. Team Three, you’re advancing up the secondary access road to the landing pad — plant those charges and get the hell out. Once the fireworks start, Team One lays down cover fire. We have to draw all attention to us until SpecOps can crack the computer terminal at the control tower.
Questions? Good. Get into position. And straight shooting.
Visit the Sci-fi Terrain page, COMING SOON.
FieldWORKS Blog Posts

I’m working my way through years of projects — watch this space.