“This district is tricky, Captain, steeped in a particularly dangerous form of magic. Please instruct your men to watch their step and touch nothing. Also, do not breathe the green vapor. And if a small, furry creature with feathery ears crosses your path, do not look it directly in the eye.”
“Understood. Can we at least look at treasure?”
“Yes, of course — mm… provided it’s not glowing.”
— Kestrix of the Hallowed Mask Society and Captain Kitzler
The mercenary band that calls itself Requiem Company originally hails from the northern province of a far- off western land and is made up almost entirely of former soldiers. A hardy folk, these people spend their lives defending their northern borders against all manner of incursion and have developed a knack for living and waging war in the snow.
Captain Kitzler led his State Troops of Rose Company for many years, accomplishing incredible missions when all hope seemed lost. He prided himself on protecting those under his command: equipping them well, keeping them fed, and only spending lives when absolutely necessary. His men often bristled under his stern command, but respected him greatly and would fight to the end for him – and for their nation.
Three years ago saw the bitter end to Kitzler and his men’s allegiance to their country. An invading force of barbarians was no particular rarity. This one, however, came during the worst winter storm seen in a lifetime. More poignantly, it was followed by wave after wave, more twisted, evil barbarians and foul creatures than anyone though could exist. Rose Company and its allies dug in and their Count called for aid from neighboring provinces.
Requiem Company is currently in the employ of Kestrix, an Enchanter of the Hallowed Mask Society. Along with his apprentice, Anari Ice-Eye, Kestrix relies on Requiem Company to escort him through the ruins of Felstad while he searches for lost magical artifacts. Fortunately for the soldiers, Kestrix and Anari are quite adept at enchanting weapons and armor, which they are more than happy to put to good use.
As the weather worsened, supplies ran low. The death toll was monstrous. For some weeks more soldiers froze or starved to death than were killed in combat, but that was soon to turn. Rose company found itself in a fighting retreat, giving ground and lives daily.
Reinforcements eventually arrived and arrayed themselves against the northern host’s western flanks, protecting the central passages into the heart of their empire. Still the barbarians came, and some warbands began to slip around to the east, into the outlying villages.
Exhausted and down to 15-percent strength, Captain Kitzler asked permission of the joint-province commander to detach Rose Company to fall back in an attempt to head off the smaller ranging attacks into their homeland. He was denied, and sent back to the front to shore up the defenses warding the other allied provinces.
By war’s bloody end, Rose Company numbered only 20 men. They returned to their lands to find that they no longer had lands, homes, or families.
Unwilling now to fight for their lord, but with nothing else to do but fight, the survivors abandoned their county. Some of the men had heard rumors of settlements far to the east and even further north – settlements that surround an ancient frozen city, full of riches, adventure, and peril.
Felstad called, and Requiem Company answered. They had nothing left to lose.
As one might expect, Requiem Company is not the only warband wandering the ruins in search of treasure. If monsters, wild animals, and the undead were the only troubles in Felstad, things would get quite dull.
Led by minor necromancer Greesus the Harvester, the Grim Reavers sell their services to any wizard that will keep them in the killing business. Greesus himself prefers those that can teach him more of the dark arts, and has recently worked for Albrek, Scion of Twilight and the Blood Grail Maiden, Soline.
Preferring the direct approach, the Reavers’ bloodlust can fuel them to remarkable feats. They rarely need fear falling in combat – Greesus never lets an acolyte out of a blood contract, and death will certainly not change that.
Sir Landry de Valeureux, a young, low-ranking noble of the Dukedom of Quenelles, musters his strength to support the Lady Coralie, a beautiful and fierce Damsel of the Lady of the Lake. Calling to him his lowborn household staff including Fulko, sergeant -at-arms, and Gilliame, captain of the guard, Sir Landry vows to defend Coralie and the chivalry of Bretonnia at all costs.
Finding herself in need of magical support in this perilous land, Coralie has sought the assistance of Maii, a Monk of the Crescent Light. Together they employ their Thaumaturgy to protect those that serve them, blind and confound their foes, and secure the arcane secrets that they seek.
Vilaeren Duskleaf, a Spellsinger of the fae forest of Athel Loren, emerges from the boughs of his mysterious homeland at the behest of the Everqueen to seek out the cause of Felstad’s ancient demise, and to prevent the secret from falling into the hands of those who would destroy the natural world. By his side are representatives of the various kinbands of the realm, elite archers all. Padding silently alongside come a pair of the true rulers of the forest, and they look hungry.
Joining the elves is another protector of the wild; Anqihr, Warden of the Ways. Labeled a witch is most “civilized” places, Anqihr shares the elves’ aim, as well as Vilaeren’s knack for trickery.
The Delver’s Guild is my (growing) collection of purpose-built models for use in various Frostgrave warbands. My Bretonnian and Wood Elf collections don’t include any models that fit well as thieves thugs, for example, so these fellows are used in those warbands. I have a “generic” apothecary and warhound thus far, and a few spellcasters that can either fill-in as an apprentice or be used as a wizard should I want to try out a new school of magic. It’s also fun to kitbash a new model every once in a while, with no particular direction, aesthetic, or established paint scheme to adhere to.
There is quite the collection of motley characters hovering near the fringes of the Frozen City. For just a few silvers a wizard can get herself a half-competent soldier. Gold Crowns will get her a ranger, marksman or apothecary. And if she’s simply short on warm bodies, a few bottles of cheap ale will round up a handful of lowlifes, many perhaps even capable of dragging a treasure chest across the frozen cobblestones.
Conversely, not all spellcasters have the coin or patronage to hire their own warband. These few also haunt the local cities and villages, their ears to the ground (sometimes magically enhanced), searching for information to sell or news of a crew in need of a mage. Many freelance wizards of all experience levels are happy to magically support a crew in return for gold, arcane artifacts, or the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skill.
Either way, the Delver’s Guild is happy to play matchmaker… for a fee.
Frostgrave is not only a fun game, but a fantastic way to get models you may not use often onto the table. Being an avid kitbasher, I really dig the ragged band of heroes/murderers feel. Being a super theme nerd, I REALLY dig creating short back stories for the typical soldier while I’m building them, adding bits or colors to reflect who they are.
It’s also a great way to utilize the D&D monsters you might have, or be inspired to knock out a couple dryad-themed “ice spiders”.
Have a look through the Blog Posts below and please check back. I’ll be blogging about most of these models, covering the kitbashing, painting, and their stories as they develop!
Also, more warbands are coming! Next up has decidedly eastern flair, and is NOT Warhammer-based, heheh.
Hit me up!
Questions or comments on any of the above? Want to see more? Please message me here!
I’m working my way through years of projects — watch this space.