Blackhearts and the The Law

[l-r] Pouncer, Schrek, Fenris, Wraith, Loki, Wasp, Phoenix Hawk, Manticore

The Blackhearts join the fray! A small mixed-tech mercenary force, the Blackhearts take on all manner of jobs, be it protection, suppression, or out-right aggression. Sporting their signature urban camo scheme and proudly displaying their black heart on cream diamond unit badge, the Blackhearts march to war in the name of their latest contract.

I knocked these guys together out of the remaining units I had left over from the Alpha Strike starter and expansions I purchased when assembling the Ferrymen. While my preference lies mainly in Inner Sphere tech, I did have to get a Fenris and a Loki — I always dug those ‘mechs from back in my BT CCG days.

Coupled with a pair of 3D prints in the form of a Schrek and a Manticore, these guys are set to play NPC adversary in the upcoming campaign at LineBreakers, my FLGS.

These are a quick slap-chop paint job — airbrush-primed black, then a gray & white from above. Army Painter speed paints were then splashed across them in somewhat random patterns.

Also joining the struggle are these guys… the… uh… I don’t know yet. Security Forces, obviously, and inspired by California Highway Patrol livery.

[l-r] UrbanMech, SRM Carrier

I plan to add another handful of armor and a full lance of Urbies — cuz, what better security force ‘mech, right?

This is another 3D print that I plan to run as an SRM Carrier. Not bad, but I’m looking forward to getting more of the Catalyst vehicles that are now out. I‘ve already gotten an LRM Carrier and Bulldog in one of the Vehicle Salvage boxes, and there’s a good chance that at least one them ends up in the black & white.

Thanks for checking ‘em out! I’d love your comments below.


You go, ghoul.


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