Launch Ready One and Two. Remaining fighter pilots to your ships. ‘Mech jocks, suit up.


131st Kennard Irregulars Reinforced ‘Mech Battalion, FedCom Armed Forces. The “Ferrymen”.

Delta Company is specifically geared to be an independent force unto itself, comprised of an Assault Lance, Battle Lance, Striker Lance, and Recon Lance. Supported by elements of Echo & Foxtrot Companies and Zulu Wing, Delta has the tools to challenge any enemy force on campaign.

Also dropping in-theater are The Blackhearts — a small, mixed-tech merc unit intent on both earning their creds and giving their enemies a severe headache.

Visit the BattleTech page.

Flights of X-wings keep formation above their Y-wing counterparts, alert for TIEs and ready to take on all odds.

X-Wing page COMING SOON.

A pair of Colonial Vipers spots its worse nightmare — a half-squadron of Vought F4U Corsairs, six o’clock high and diving…

Looking forward to the upcoming Voidfighter book from Osprey and excited to make it craaaazy.

“Other Fighters” page COMING SOON.